Passed your Transport Canada Advanced RPAS exam and are in need of a Flight Review?
Our in person Flight Reviews are conducted by experienced and certified Transport Canada flight reviewers. We offer professional flight reviews to clients across the country, ensuring that you are confident and competent in your RPAS operations.
Our flight reviews follow the Transport Canada Flight Reviewer’s Guide - TP 15395 which can be found here.
Finish the last step to obtaining your full Advanced RPAS licence register with us by clicking the link below.

RPAS FLIGHT REVIEWS - (1 hour, in person examination)
$249 per person
**Price does not include Transport Canada fees**
Once registered to take your flight review you will receive a preparation guide package to assist you in getting ready for the review. This guide will detail what to expect, include sample checklists, required minimum equipment and any other relevant details. The flight review is not meant to test the pilots abilities to conduct complex manoeuvres. The objective of the flight review is to verify a pilot’s ability to fly their RPAS in the advanced environment.
The flight review will focus on the safety aspect of Advanced Drone Operations, the candidate should be able to demonstrate the following:
Describe the site survey process.
Describe emergency procedures that apply to flying a RPAS, including lost-link procedures and procedures to follow in the event of a fly-away, including who to contact.
Describe the method by which to inform Transport Canada of an incident or accident.
Successfully perform pre-flight checks of their RPAS.
Perform a take-off.
Demonstrate the ability to navigate around obstacles.
Demonstrate the ability to recognize distances.
Perform a landing.
We will always try to conduct the flight review in Class G airspace where possible as we found this is less stressful on the candidate but sometimes this may not be possible.
The flight review takes about 1 hours and some of the work such as the "Pre-Operations Planning" can be conducted the day before the flight. If on the day of your flight review the weather becomes unfavourable for the flight your examination can be rescheduled.
We understand that every organization is unique and may have specific needs when it comes to RPAS training. We can tailor training or the flight review to meet your needs please contact us to discuss options.
Contact us if you have any questions.
The candidate must have passed the Small Remotely Piloted Aircraft (VLOS) – Advanced Operations exam.
The candidate must provide a valid (not expired) form of government issued Identification.
A Transport Canada Registered RPAS, either Multi-rotor or Fixed wing.
The candidate must be 16 years old or older.
NOTE: Volterra Drone Solutions is based in the Edmonton Capital Region and offers Training Canada Wide. Travel and lodging fees may apply if training is requested outside of 175 km radius from Edmonton. This evaluation is currently only offered in English.
Looking for more training?
Click on the links below to view some of our other training options
40 hours In-person
Our Online courses are currently under development our team is working hard to offer a wide variety of courses including an Advanced Ground School, Recency Courses and Operations Manager Courses.
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